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Studying in Heidelberg

Heidelberg is world-famous for its castle and picturesque old town, for the romantic environment of the Neckar valley and, of course, for its University.

Founded in 1386, the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität, is Germany's oldest university. In the course of its more than 600 years' history the University has established itself as a center of excellent research and teaching, where many renowned scholars and scientists - among them eight Nobel laureates - worked and still work. Today 28,000 students study at its 12 faculties. 5,200 foreign students from 130 different countries as well as hundreds of visiting professors and researchers contribute to its international atmosphere.

The University of Heidelberg offers a wide range of high quality study programs in the life sciences, the natural sciences, law, economics, the social sciences and the humanities. In addition to the regular courses of study the University has introduced a number of specific graduate programs for international students that are taught in English. Last but not least, each year the International Summer School of German Language and Culture attracts 600 international students to Heidelberg.

The university has 12 faculties as well as research centers for Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Neurosciences, Astronomy, Interdisciplinary Scientific Computing, South Asian Studies and American Studies. In addition, 12 Collaborative Research Centers have been established which are funded by the German Research Council. Independent institutions in Heidelberg like the German Cancer Research Center, the European Molecular Biology Laboratory and four Max- Planck-Institutes add to a research environment that is unique in Germany.

Application and Admission

Academic Evaluation Centre (APS India)

The Academic Evaluation Centre (APS India) is a service provider of the Science section of the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, New Delhi in cooperation with the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). From 1 November 2022 it is mandatory for students applying for Bachelors and Masters courses to German universities to reach out to APS and apply for a certificate. Holding an APS certificate will simplify the application process to the German universities and accelerate student visa application. An original certificate issued by the APS is mandatory for the student visa application. This means the students can apply for visa only after receiving an APS certificate.