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Studying Health Insurance

All students are entitled to compulsory statutory health insurance cover. This has the positive consequence that the statutory health insurance funds must insure you at student rates. Apart from a minor personal contribution (excess) which you must pay, this health insurance covers medical fees for visiting a doctor, hospital expenses, and any prescribed medication. The student rates for statutory health insurance currently amount to about Euros 281 per semester (six months). This sum already includes the premium for nursing care insurance Pflegeversicherung) which has been introduced in Germany. You must pay your premiums to the health insurance fund before registering at your higher education institution.

If you are older than 30 years of age on the date of arrival in Germany, you are strongly advised to insure yourself with a private health insurance company, since medical fees and hospital expenses are very high in Germany. For example, just one day in hospital will cost an average of around Euros 250.

For information on insurance questions, please contact the foreign student office or the general local health insurance fund (the so called AOK Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse) or another health insurance company of your choice.

Health Test

If you require an entry visa, the local German embassy or consulate will advise you of whether or not you must take a medical test in your home country, i.e. present a health certificate. Germany's legislation on foreigners does not prescribe a medical test by a German physician. If you wish to extend your residence permit in Germany, then you will find that the individual federal regional states differ in their regulations regarding health tests. The state aliens' registration authority at your place of study will be able to provide information on this aspect. Accident Insurance

All students are insured against accidents at, on their way to or from their university by the statutory accident insurance scheme. You can turn to the foreign student office for information on additional accident insurance coverage.


Before booking your ticket to Germany, you should inquire at various travel agencies about price reductions or other special rates for students