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Upcoming Event 8th Heidelberg Lecture

2nd November 2022, Delhi

“Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) - Transformation of Businesses in the 21st Century”

This year the signature event of Heidelberg Centre South Asia (HCSA), the Heidelberg Lecture would be delivered by the jurist, Prof. Dr Marc-Philippe Weller, who is Vice-Rector for International Affairs and also Director of the Institute for Comparative Law, Conflict of Laws, and International Business Law at Heidelberg University.

Each year a distinguished scientist from Heidelberg University is invited to deliver the coveted lecture in India that is attended by a large group of audience, including representatives from Embassies, government bodies, scientists and students from institutions of higher education and research and the interested audience. In the past Heidelberg Lectures have been delivered by distinguished scientists, including Prof. Muesburger, Prof. Bartelmann, Prof. Kraeusslich, Prof. Eils, Prof. Bock, Prof. Heermann and Prof. Monyer. The presence of the scientists in India help intensify joint research, exchanges and mobility of professors and students, expansion of network of cooperations, strengthening of expertise on the Indian scientific landscape at Heidelberg University as well as making Heidelberg University known to Indian students and scientists.